Stockholm ф 9 Moscow Агам tnkth undn Спшк cimlrol Vilnius Ini'-О'о Bank- «Г Konalop -Prussia! \ onnic/h fnxlul) Kursk Batik at \ Bcmlotika Belgorod iWinm hrmilm Turo\ Brandi Vistula •Ni/h'll •Hj'dVx # ol.ubii) Perriaslav • -Ul.xk «-s. 'O'lrolv ( huguiv Tscrkv Poltava l.vre / <« <« Kamiancc. Копии lUllk of /J'orh IfWyCh /Kholvii Danube _K, , iJT f ' II I P 4 /Bank ..f Habspurg TBudapest / Zhsaoct» Succava* lb III. .f, Ptlla'lti Ob nuli> "allachia Danube Balfks of Baflk of Balih Bakhchisaras man Em Historical maps of l krainc Azov „ . , -------- Ballk of Zbo'ls Vad> llctnianatc State of Zaporizhian Host: l krainian Cossack state (1649-1653) I kralaian < invatk tlalc rvliht from IMS la IT»’. Ii пан- into i-'lilnn a. a result of Ihc I krainian Симмк-Polbh War and Им пШопгг ®f lh< ntklrnd Conad" Milk dir CniKki of ihr Xaporu/hian Skk and other w£n»nl< af Ihr t kr-iinun populace.
Моя Україна,фэндомы,разная политота
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